Custom Processing
Small-scale but representative processing development
The GFIC houses a variety of pilot-scale processing equipment that enables efficient, cost-effective, and iterative processing. By utilizing these capabilities with analytical tools, modifications to traditional manufacturing processes can be validated in a professional, representative environment.
General Processing
Our general pilot processing plant is a commercial food-grade space for the development, scaling, and manufacturing of a variety of products. Activities include ice cream processing, homogenization of sauces and dressings, dry and wet milling, spray drying and more.
This facility also houses equipment for the production of commercial cheeses, ice cream and frozen novelties, frozen desserts, and modified milk ingredients.
Dairy Processing
Our OMAFRA-certified dairy plant is fully equipped for raw-milk processing, with the capacity to assess both HTST and UHT pasteurization and homogenization at scales ranging from 5L-2500L. This facility also houses equipment for the production of commercial cheeses, ice creams, frozen desserts, and modified milk ingredients.