Ingredient Validation
Gain insight into the characteristics and performance of your novel ingredient
Through our extensive analytical suite and expertise, the GFIC provides quantitative insight into your novel ingredient. Our services include characterizing new ingredients, monitoring their stability, and assessing functionality in application.
Proof of Concept
The effectiveness of a novel ingredient depends on its application in finished products. We offer clients the opportunity to develop novel ingredients into finished products and analyze their performance. Our pilot scale production facilities allow us to produce food-grade samples, ready for evaluation by potential buyers, investors, and trade show attendees.
Specification Documents
As a fingerprint of your ingredient or finished food product, your product specification sheet captures all the critical quality and safety attributes. Documents like these are essential to any co-packing agreement or quality control program. GFIC will work closely with you on developing a product specification that incorporates nutritional analysis, chemical analysis, and material/product testing.