Nathalie Hua (left) and Aleana Chao (right) planting peppers seeds. Photo Credit: Derek Vella

8 week old repotted seedlings. Photo Credit: Aleana Chao

10 week old seedlings. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Transplanted young chili pepper plants moved to the outside of the Bovey Teaching Greenhouse. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Justin Brookshaw staking a newly transplanted pepper plant. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Keean Dowdall (left) and Justin Brookshaw (right) preparing transplanted plants for the outdoors. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Ripening chili peppers. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Kaylie Mitchell harvesting some ripe chili peppers. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Howard Chen harvesting some ripe chili peppers. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Jasmine Low (left) and Mavya Hergel (right) harvesting ripe peppers. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Ayman Zia Ul Haq (left) and Mabel Lau (right) tending to pepper plants. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

A colourful array of ripening peppers. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

A spread of the chili pepper varieties planted which include (from top left to right) Mexican Sunset, Habanero Roulette, Cayennetta, Death Spiral, Trinidad Scorpion, (from bottom left to right) Hot Sunset, Giant Ristra, and Red Ember. Photo credit: Derek Vella

Isabelle Wickert (left) and Mabel Lau (right) prepping harvested chili peppers. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Michelle Chai (left), Mabel Lau (middle), and Sarah Figueroa (right), deseeding peppers and packaging them for frozen storage. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Rae Ann Yee (left) and Qinglin Liu (right) stemming and deseeding peppers for frozen storage. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Michelle Chai (left),Mabel Lau (middle), and Saraha Figueroa (right) slicing and deseeding peppers. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

(From left to right) Isabelle Wickert, Maggie Xue, Jolin Zhou, and Howard Chen weighing ingredients for a hot sauce trial production. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

(From left to right) Julia Bullard, Abbey Chan, and Jolin Zhou sanitizing bottles for the trial production. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Maggie Xue mixing heated hot sauce. Photo credit: Qinglin Liu

Food Science students and GFIC staff prepare hot sauce for hot fill and bottling. Photo credit: Qinglin Liu

(From left to right) Danny Giang, Isabelle Wickert and Michelle Chai applying shrink bands and labels to finished bottles. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Food Science students cheering to a successful hot sauce trial run. Photo credit: Howard Chen

Cannon Fire hot sauce finished product. Photo credit: Aleana Chao

Aleana Chao, Project Manager